Solčava is an old mountain village with the famous gothic Church of Mary of the Snows in its centre.

For over 700 years, locals and pilgrims from near and far have been visiting the Church of Mary of the Snows, in order to pray beneath the statue of Mary of Solčava, one of the key sculptural depictions of Virgin Mary dating back in the middle of the 13th century.

The Solčava region is a pristine area providing perfect life conditions for a variety of flora and fauna, including over 1,000 different species of butterflies.

Take a walk to the famous Solčava yew tree and discover the time key that will take you on a journey of more than 700 years back into the past, to the time when Lintver the dragon, the protagonist of the Solčava Panoramic Road, roamed the valley.

The well-known and appreciated Jezersko-Solčava breed of sheep graze on the sunny slopes of Solčava. Their wool is highly valued for its quality, softness and warmth, something that felters from Solčava are very familiar with. They have their own studio and a boutique in the village, where visitors are welcome to admire and purchase their unique wool and felt products.

»Če pa se popotnik vse napetosti sprosti, takrat vidi čudovite lepote gozda in gora, rastlinstva in živalstva, barv in oblik. Takrat posluša in čuje skrivnostne glasove, za katere drugi nimajo posluha. Nemoteno doživlja notranjo srečo, kakršne drugi ne slutijo in doživljati ne morejo. Bučanje vetra v gozdu, šumenje gozda, žuborenje studenca, pa tudi popolna tišina sprožijo v popotniku čudovito notranjo glasbo, ki jo sicer sliši in doživlja, drugim posredovati pa nikdar ne more.« (prirejeno po J. Vršnik)